Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform LTS 2017 9.10


This contribution is part of XML component inside nuxeo-platform-video-jsf-9.10.jar /OSGI-INF/layouts-contrib.xml

Extension Point

Extension point widgettypes of component WebLayoutManager.

Contributed Items

  • <widgetType name="video_player">
            <title>Video player</title>
                This widget displays a HTML5 video player for browsers
                it, and fallback on a Flash player for others.
                It uses the WebM or
                MP4 conversion (in 480p) of
                a document having the facet 'Video'.
                It requires the following fields configuration: first field maps
                the document model.
              <layouts mode="view">
                <layout name="video_player_widget_type_properties_view">
                  <widget name="width" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Width</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        The width attribute of the Video player, eg. 100%, 550px or 450.
                  <widget name="height" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Height</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        The height attribute of the Video player, eg. 550px, 450.
          <property name="template">
  • <widgetType name="video_storyboard">
            <title>Video storyboard</title>
                This widget displays the story board of
                a document having the facet
            <!-- no configurable properties -->
          <property name="template">
  • <widgetType name="video_conversions">
            <title>Video conversions</title>
                This widget displays the list of available
                video conversions for the
                given Video document.
            <!-- no configurable properties -->
          <property name="template">
  • <widgetType name="video_info">
            <title>Video info</title>
                This widget displays the information of the main video of
                a document
                having the facet 'Video'.
            <!-- no configurable properties -->
          <property name="template">
  • <widgetType name="video_file">
            <title>Video File</title>
                The video widget displays a file uploader/editor in create or edit
                mode, with additional message tag for errors.
              <layouts mode="edit">
                <layout name="video_file_widget_type_properties_edit">
                      <widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
                  <widget name="acceptedExtensions" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Accepted extensions</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        A comma separated list of supported file
                        extensions. Default value: '.mpg, .mpe, .mpeg, .wmv, .swf,
                        .ogg, .ogv, .mkv, .mov, .qt, .avi, .mp4, .m4v, .flv, .fla'.
          <property name="template">/widgets/video_file_widget_template.xhtml</property>

XML Source

<extension point="widgettypes" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">

    <widgetType name="video_player">
        <title>Video player</title>
            This widget displays a HTML5 video player for browsers
            it, and fallback on a Flash player for others.
            It uses the WebM or
            MP4 conversion (in 480p) of
            a document having the facet 'Video'.
            It requires the following fields configuration: first field maps
            the document model.
          <layouts mode="view">
            <layout name="video_player_widget_type_properties_view">
              <widget name="width" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Width</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    The width attribute of the Video player, eg. 100%, 550px or 450.
              <widget name="height" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Height</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    The height attribute of the Video player, eg. 550px, 450.

      <property name="template">

    <widgetType name="video_storyboard">
        <title>Video storyboard</title>
            This widget displays the story board of
            a document having the facet
        <!-- no configurable properties -->

      <property name="template">

    <widgetType name="video_conversions">
        <title>Video conversions</title>
            This widget displays the list of available
            video conversions for the
            given Video document.
        <!-- no configurable properties -->

      <property name="template">

    <widgetType name="video_info">
        <title>Video info</title>
            This widget displays the information of the main video of
            a document
            having the facet 'Video'.
        <!-- no configurable properties -->

      <property name="template">

    <widgetType name="video_file">
        <title>Video File</title>
            The video widget displays a file uploader/editor in create or edit
            mode, with additional message tag for errors.
          <layouts mode="edit">
            <layout name="video_file_widget_type_properties_edit">
                  <widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
              <widget name="acceptedExtensions" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Accepted extensions</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    A comma separated list of supported file
                    extensions. Default value: '.mpg, .mpe, .mpeg, .wmv, .swf,
                    .ogg, .ogv, .mkv, .mov, .qt, .avi, .mp4, .m4v, .flv, .fla'.
      <property name="template">/widgets/video_file_widget_template.xhtml</property>
